Halfway there

Friday marked the halfway mark for the 2013 harvest. Merlot, Shiraz and Cabernet Sauvignon are coming in very nicely with extremely good colour. The sugars range between 24.5 – 26 Balling [...]

Game on!

Yesterday was a killer. 1300 tonnes came in and the winemakers had their hands full. Today will be no exception and I estimate that another 1100 tonnes would make their way from the vine to the [...]

Slowly getting there

Last weekend came with 3 days of rain… This was excellent for the dry land vines, but not so good for some Chenin blancs in the Mountains. In some vineyards the total rainfall for the [...]

Chardonnay Reserve

This is a very quick and lazy post. We had a good week harvesting and the quality seems to be very good. Yesterday we harvested the one part of our Chardonnay Reserve. Went well and I can’t [...]

Sauvignon blanc

I went to our reserve Sauvignon blanc blocks early this morning to taste some grapes, and ooooo maaaannn was I in for a treat!! There are two blocks. One on a Southern slope facing Table [...]

It’s Party Time!

The grapes are ripening at a blistering pace and the first red grapes came in today. We harvested Merlot and Pinotage at 25 balling. The grapes are healthy and full of flavour. We harvested some [...]