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We are 70% into the season, and the vines are really taking shape now. With a cool and wet spring/summer the soils was abnormally cold and wet, so the young vines struggled to get out of the blocks.

Our first real heat started just before Christmas last year and you could see in the growth of the vines how they appreciate it! For now the weekly job is to tie the vines up to the stake and when they reach the top we will break off the growth point so that we can get thicker shoots in order to prune to better spurs this coming winter.

The green corridors planted with vygies (these hardy succulents dont need water, grow extremely fast and will outcompete the weeds in these sections) are also coming along nicely – next year this time they will have covered all the desired areas.

Our next step is securing the higher cut outs on the slope’s banks. We will start with the sandstone walls next month. This is a very big task and very expensive, but necessary to retain the soil and keep the vines close to the edges to dry out quicker than the rest. I will post as this process progress.



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