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So we started our project of doing a soil survey of all the vineyards at our cellar. (2200 ha) This will take us 3 years. The mapping is done with the help and expertise of two Vinpro Soil Scientists, Braham Oberholzer and Heinrich Schloms. The first day of mapping is done – we only did about 30 ha.

Doing soil surveys are always very interesting. It lets you peak beyond the surface of the soil and exposes previous actions done during soil preparation years ago. It show mistakes, or correct ways of preparing soils and even planting techniques .


It gives you insight into choosing different rootstocks, clones and what plant density should be used. It allows you to see water movement, or the lack thereof. Afterwards, a soil map will show the differences visually, and will help with long term planning.

I will show some maps once they are done.

Tomorrow we are taking soil samples for chemical analysis.


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